【原】【新刊速递】第60期|World Politics, Vol.72, No.4, 2020
来源: 维泰亚直播
World Politics(《世界政治》)创刊于1948年,是享誉国际的政治科学季刊,内容涵盖国际关系和政治科学的各个领域,其主编是Deborah J. Yashar。该期刊欢迎的投稿类型有具有理论和实证贡献的研究类文章,以及有关国际关系和比较政治问题的评论性文章。2018年该期刊的影响因子为3.368,在91种国际关系类期刊中位列第7名,在196种政治科学类期刊中位列第15名。
【编译】王川 谢菁 扎西旺姆 施榕
Performative Governance
Social Revolution and Authoritarian Durability
The Popularity of Authoritarian Leaders: A Cross-National Investigation
The Political Geography of the Eurocrisis
The Logic of Vulnerability and Civilian Victimization: Shifting Front Lines in Italy (1943–1945)
【题目】Performative Governance
【作者】Iza Ding,匹兹堡大学政治学助理教授。
The state often struggles to meet citizens’ demands but confronts strong public pressure to do so. What does the state do when public expectations exceed its actual governing capacity? This article shows that the state can respond by engaging in performative governance—the theatrical deployment of language, symbols, and gestures to foster an impression of good governance among citizens. Performative governance should be distinguished from other types of state behavior, such as inertia, paternalism, and the substantive satisfaction of citizens’ demands. The author illustrates this concept in the realm of environmental governance in China. Given the severity of China’s environmental pollution, the resulting public outcry, and the logistical and political challenges involved in solving the problem, how can the state redeem itself? Ethnographic evidence from participant observation at a municipal environmental protection bureau reveals that when bureaucrats are confronted with the dual burdens of low state capacity and high public scrutiny, they engage in performative governance to assuage citizens’ complaints. This study draws attention to the double meaning of “performance” in political contexts, and the essential distinction between the substantive and the theatrical.
【题目】Social Revolution and Authoritarian Durability
【作者】Jean Lachapelle, 哥德堡大学V-Dem(民主变量)研究所博士后研究员;Steven Levitsky, 哈佛大学政府系拉丁美洲研究大卫·洛克菲勒教授;Lucan A. Way,多伦多大学政治学系教授;Adam E. Casey,密歇根大学Weiser新兴民主国家中心研究员。
【摘要】本文探究了威权持久性(durability)的原因。为什么有的威权政体即使经常出现严重的危机也能够存续几十年,而有的即使没有面临重大挑战也会很快崩溃?基于对1900年到2015年威权政体的分析,作者认为诞生于暴力社会革命(violent social revolution)的政体尤其能够持久。革命政权(revolutionary regimes),如俄罗斯、古巴、越南的政体在面对外部强大压力、经济低迷、大规模政策失败的情况下仍存续超过了半个世纪。作者基于一系列始于1900年的革命政权的数据集提出并检验了一种解释这种持久性的理论。作者认为,诞生于暴力社会革命的威权政体常常会面临严重的军事威胁,这有助于形成有凝聚力的执政党以及强有力的、忠诚的安全机构(apparatuses),也使得其他权力中心(alternative power centers)趋于瓦解。以上特征能够解释革命政权异常持久的原因。
This article explores the causes of authoritarian durability. Why do some authoritarian regimes survive for decades, often despite severe crises, while others collapse quickly, even absent significant challenges? Based on an analysis of all authoritarian regimes between 1900 and 2015, the authors argue that regimes founded in violent social revolution are especially durable. Revolutionary regimes, such as those in Russia, China, Cuba, and Vietnam, endured for more than half a century in the face of strong external pressure, poor economic performance, and large-scale policy failures. The authors develop and test a theory that accounts for such durability using a novel data set of revolutionary regimes since 1900. The authors contend that autocracies that emerge out of violent social revolution tend to confront extraordinary military threats, which lead to the development of cohesive ruling parties and powerful and loyal security apparatuses, as well as to the destruction of alternative power centers. These characteristics account for revolutionary regimes’ unusual longevity.
【题目】The Popularity of Authoritarian Leaders: A Cross-National Investigation
【作者】Sergei Guriev,巴黎政治学院经济学教授,研究兴趣包括契约理论、公司治理、政治经济学和劳动力流动;Daniel Treisman,加州大学洛杉矶分校政治学教授,研究兴趣包括比较政治经济学,特别是俄罗斯政治和经济。
How do citizens in authoritarian states feel about their leaders? While some dictators rule through terror, others seem genuinely popular. Using the Gallup World Poll’s panel of more than one hundred-forty countries in 2006–2016, the authors show that the drivers of political approval differ across regime types. Although brutal repression in overt dictatorships could cause respondents to falsify their preferences, in milder informational autocracies, greater repression actually predicts lower approval. In autocracies as in democracies, economic performance matters and citizens’ economic perceptions, while not perfectly accurate, track objective indicators. Dictators also benefit from greater perceived public safety, but the authors find no such effect in democracies. Covert censorship of the media and the Internet is associated with higher approval in autocracies—in particular, in informational ones—but ratings fall when citizens recognize censorship. In informational autocracies, executive elections trigger a ratings surge if there is leader turnover, but, unlike in democracies, reelected autocrats enjoy little honeymoon.
【题目】The Political Geography of the Eurocrisis
【作者】Pablo Beramendi,杜克大学教授;Daniel Stegmueller,杜克大学副教授。
The European Union provided a mixed response to the 2008 financial crisis. On the one hand, it refused to pursue fiscal integration through a common budget; on the other, it introduced significant transfers between countries that were designed to produce financial stabilization. The authors analyze this response as the outcome of democratic constraints on EU leaders. Given the EU’s current institutional structure, citizens’ preferences pose a binding constraint on what leaders can do as these preferences limit the scope of risk-pooling among members and the degree of political tolerance for different courses of action. The authors show that citizens’ preferences reflect differences in the geography of income, production regimes, and institutional organization. The heterogeneity of constituencies’ redistribution preferences combined with a diverse economic geography helps to explain why political constraints on national governments prevent them from engaging in further fiscal integration. By contrast, externalities among member states shift the preferences of citizens who may experience negative effects and make international redistribution politically feasible. The authors analyze these two mechanisms and present novel empirical results on the determinants of preferences for fiscal integration and international redistribution in the aftermath of the eurocrisis.
【题目】The Logic of Vulnerability and Civilian Victimization: Shifting Front Lines in Italy (1943–1945)
【作者】Stefano Costalli, 意大利佛罗伦萨大学政治和社会科学系副教授;Francesco Niccolò Moro, 意大利博洛尼亚大学政治和社会科学系副教授;Andrea Ruggeri,牛津大学国际研究中心主任、政治学和国际关系学教授。
What causes civilian victimization in conventional civil wars and in conventional wars that experience insurgencies? The authors argue that a key driver of civilian victimization is the vulnerability of the incumbent forces, specifically when the conflict’s front line is shifting. Vulnerability is a function of informational and logistical challenges: when the front line is moving, incumbents face increased informational uncertainty and unstable supply chains that augment their vulnerability. Thus, incumbents will increase the use of civilian victimization in response to a scarcity of high-quality information on the location and identity of insurgents, to limit possible information leaks, and to contain supply disruption and logistics support to adversaries. The authors support their argument using matched difference-in-differences analyses of original subnational data on Nazi-Fascist violence in World War II Italy (1943–1945) and qualitative evidence.